Electronic Engineering
I'm a electronics engineering student in EEPIS (Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute Of Surabaya)
I am a fourth-semester student, majoring in Diploma 3 Electronics Engineering program.
My skills are at the advanced level, with my notable projects including a USB converter and a line-following robot.
My advanced-level skill revolves around programming with Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles and utilizing multiple files, which I combine with the Robot Operating System (ROS).
In the PHP programming language, I am currently at the intermediate level. One of my projects involves developing a local website for task data collection using HTML and MySQL.
My HTML coding skills are at an intermediate level, and I have applied them in a project involving PHP language and MySQL database.
In MySQL database management, I have developed a local website project with the assistance of XAMPP
The ROS system I utilize runs on Ubuntu 20.0 with ROS 1 (Noetic). Real-time applications are employed for developing robot programs within the EROS team.
My Microsoft Office skills include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.